
Tenderfist – Lil’ Boy/Lil’ Girl (D.R.U.G.S)

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This time, it’s Tenderfist’s turn to flaunt what they’ve got. With a video filled up with random carefree shots of a boy and a girl cherishing the presence of each other to accompany the track, everything is pulled together and reflects light-heartedness.

Though most of the minutes it’s in black and white, the whole thing just glares warmth and colours of life apart from how well the track and the video fits each other.

Flaunting their blithesome grooves, savor yourself with this assembled piece called ‘Lil Boy/Lil Girl (D.R.U.G.S)’.

LIL’ BOY/LIL’ GIRL (d.r.u.g.s)_TENDERFIST from JHz on Vimeo.

by Awin Roslin